Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week 17

Nausea #1: Still having spurts of nausea. I'll be feeling fine, then all of the sudden, with little to no warning, nausea will creep up. Last night we were at up a church worship service. Afterwards, Scott and I were hanging out and enjoying friends, laughing with everyone, until--all of the sudden, "Habibi! We have to leave now--" "Ok, well..." "As i start bolting for the door, with my empty water cup in hand," I walked into the fresh air and felt the nausea subside just long enough to say goodbye to one last friend. And as we turned to the car, i felt a kick of uncontrollable nausea--no bathroom. no daylight left. no one around. cup--yep, throwing up in a cup, in the middle of a parking lot with the afterglow of a massive public gathering. Rolling my eyes, i held up my cup with a smirk (what else could i do) and laughed at my lack of control over any of this.  #cheers.

Nausea #2: Feeling nauseas in the grocery store again, I opened up my unpaid for bag of goldfish and began to chomp on my favorite salty snack as I finished my shopping. As I approached the checkout aisle, I realized that I didn't have enough money to pay for all the groceries in my cart, so I had the clerk put back several items. I was about to leave with my "non paid for" goldfish in hand, when I realized, "Sir, I am so sorry! I opened these already and still need to pay for them--" I set them down to rummage through my coin purse to pay for the $1.64 bag that I knew I had--when the clerk picked up my bag and threw it in his trash can. My shoulders sunk in despair. Not what I had in mind. My poor fish! #lametrip

This past week was Thanksgiving. Maybe it's just pregnancy, maybe it's the virus that I caught earlier in the week---but I spent most of the week pretty sick. However, despite everything, I so enjoyed this Thanksgiving! I loved spending time with my family! I loved the Turkey Trot, Houston, pie and enjoying our family!

Houston Family at Lakeside Country Club

Walking 5 miles, 4 moths pregnant for the Turkey Trot!

The Memes!

Meme's Famous Pie!

Week 16

Craving: "Time Out For Burgers's" chocolate milkshake...Too bad they closed after 8th grade! Oh well,  I'll just make my favorite Blue Bell milkshake instead! 

Week 15

"Hi Baby!" 

15 Weeks!

Baylor Homecoming Parade

Baylor Football Game

Sorry Habibi!

Your First Piece of Mail! From Brittani Harnden

I went to the grocery store in my pajamas today. 


The Stork: (holding a baby doll within it)

Scott with his: "Soon to be Daddy" shirt.

13 Weeks

Mommy and Daddy's Proposal Anniversary!

October 29. A year ago, from today--the most handsome man in the whole land came riding down in a 737 to surprise me, his fair maiden. I was already in North Carolina for a mission trip that I was leading. We had teamed up with the newly formed church planting team, consisting of 2 of my best friends. We had a great week together--connecting with my best friends and telling new friends about Jesus. On the Saturday of our trip, Amanda and Andria took me out to show me their "favorite spot," in North Carolina. As we meandered through the forest, we came to an opening--one that had been fully decorated with purple streamers and signs made just for me...and in the middle...my prince Charming, Scott McBrayer himself. As I ran to him, my heart fluttered in excitement, knowing this meant only one thing: him and me, for the rest of our lives. I watched through raining tears as my man kneeled down in majestic humility and proclaimed his love for me. My eyes soaked in every detail they could get their hands on as he asked me the one question I had been waiting to hear for 26 years, "Jenny, will you marry me?" With a "Yes!" that resounded throughout the whole forest, I found myself collapsing in his arms and embracing the warmth; the home, my heart had been searching for. And for the first time, we shared our first kiss. I spent the next 45 minutes laughing, crying and shrieking in excitement. 

Three months later we were married. Six months after that, we were pregnant. And another 3 months later, we had returned to that same spot, where everything had first started. We laughed at the roller coaster of events that had all happened within 12 months. Who would have thought! Who would have thought that we would be back here, just a year later--being so blissfully happy, and carrying our first child! Next year, baby, we'll show you all around! :) 

The night before, we just so happened to stumble upon the same cafe that Amanda and Andria took me to on the morning of the proposal.
Our Proposal Anniversary Date: Crepes and Coffee. Perfectly "us!" 

The Proposal Spot! 

And now, a year later, we have Baby! 

The Famous Lebanon Pillow

Reenacting the proposal! 

October 27

Once arriving in North Carolina, we met up with 4 out of my 6 best friends. We spent the weekend in North Carolina laughing, reminiscing and enjoying each other immensely! Though Andria was the one getting married, we were all giddy with joy and excitement as we helped her create, plan and prepare for the wedding to come! Amanda, Andria, Christina, Megs and I hadn't all been in the same place since my own wedding---and having us all in the same place made me want to sing--all the time--and we did! These are some of my best friends in the whole wide world, and as we came into North Carolina, it felt like we were coming into home. Not home in the sense of location, but home, in where my heart felt housed; safe, warm; belonged. Though we are far from perfect--these are my comrades. These are women who I have fought with, cried with, laughed with, and gone on adventures with. These are the women who have drunk a thousand cups of coffee with me. The women who taught me to believe for the promises of God. They challenged me when I was stubborn and carried me when I was weak. They prayed for me when I was too tired to pray for myself and showed me how to hope when I thought all was gone. They have had their clothes stained with my tears, and have left a mark upon my soul. We have countless inside jokes, hundreds of albums we sing at the top of our lungs to... and an enjoyment for one another that runs deep. 

My prayer for you Baby, is that you too, will find comrades like these; a group of friends that point you to Jesus. A group of friends that will sharpen you to look more like Him, than you do yourself. I pray that you would have such sweet history with them flooded with memories, laughter and song. Friends that you stand with on their best of days, and carry on their worst of days. May you too, enjoy the gift of best friendship. 

Amanda's cake that she made for Andria's Ceremony!

Showing Andria our "grill" the day afterwards.

October 25

Dear Baby,
     Today was your first airplane ride! Daddy says you're really lucky because you got to swim (in my tummy) and fly at the same time! As we flew over North Carolina, you could see a myriad of colors amongst the trees; red, gold, orange, yellow and lime green. It was as if even the trees were celebrating Andria's wedding and welcoming us as we came. Once we landed, you, and I went with Megs to try and find Andria--who was taking her bridal pictures amongst the vibrant forest. We had our own little adventure trying to find the bride. As I hiked throughout the forest, I found myself singing you sweet and silly, little songs...and my heart began to swell with joy at your presence; your sheer existence.  Though I wasn't able to feel you, or hold you in my arms, I have this vivid memory of me feeling you with me. Though nothing had presently changed---the subtle reality came trickling in....you really are real...and you really are mine. And someday soon, I'll take you back to this forest and let you play amongst the leaves. I know you will enjoy them, and I can't wait to see your face light up as you do. :) 

 First Plane Ride!

 Hiking through the forest to find the bride!

North Carolina during Fall!

 Next time, we will all play in the leaves together!