Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Uncle Jeff's Wedding!

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sandra got married on 1-12-13 in Dove Canyon, California. Daddy was Jeff''s best man. We all flew out there for the wedding and had a blast celebrating them! We had so much fun with Daddy's cousins: Tammy and Sarah. We laughed a lot, danced like crazy and enjoyed one another immensely! 

Laguna Beach

Ron, Grandpa and Gramps

"Jenny, Scott & Jonas!"

Nanna and Gramps and us at Uncle Jeff's Rehearsal Dinner

Generations: Grandpa, Great Uncle Ron, Gramps, Dad. 

24 Weeks!

Our Family Picture!

Beautiful Dove Canyon, California: Right where Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sandra got married. 

Daddy practicing holding a baby (Aunt Sandra's niece: Clover)

After Jeff's wedding, we got to go to Disney Land with Gramps and Nanna! We loved being there and were like little kids ourselves, but can't wait to take you with us next time!

Gramps and Nanna bought me a new pair of Minnie Mouse ears. 

Gramps and Daddy shooting targets, Oklahoma style! 

Gramps and Nanna on the Adventure Cruise. 

Week 23 and 24

Dear Jonas,

12/29/12-1/3/13: I had some bad back spasms on these days. Definitely scary. But after several calls and a visit to the doctor, they were said to be "nothing to be concerned with...just painful." You're totally worth the pain. I can't wait to hold you!

1/3/13: When I was praying today, Jesus reminded me that His grace towards me and you is unending. I felt like God wanted you to know, that neither He, nor us as your parents, will ever demand perfection from you, we ask only that you would be willing...

1/5/13: I told Daddy that I couldn't wait to hold you, and he whined saying, "No, it's my turn, you've gotten to hold him for 6 months already! I want to hold him." You are very loved!

1/7/13: Daddy and my fun, spontaneous date! Fro Yo & Game Night!
 I love your Daddy! 

1/9/13: Feeling you hiccup for the first time! (At Starbucks!)

This was the day that I realized how thankful I was for Zumba pants that also serve as Maternity pants! :)

23 Weeks

And I put this one in here just because I think your dad is so handsome!

1/15/13: I'm beginning to realize that you're favorite time to kick is at 10:30pm. It's like clock work. I told Dad it was because you probably like schedules like me....he says it's probably because you like being awake at night like him---guess we'll find out soon! :)

Christmas Time!

This Christmas, we were able to travel up to Oklahoma to spend the holidays with Scott's parents. We had so much fun resting, relaxing and enjoying conversations with one another over cocoa and coffee. One of our favorite things to do was look at the tons of beautiful Christmas lights all around--especially where Andy works! One of the nights we were there, we went walking around at "Brick Town." We had a lovely dinner followed by carriage ride amongst a Winter Wonderland! To top off the night, we meandered through the Crystal Bridge Greenhouse that was fully decorated for Christmas and accompanied by a live band. 

21 Weeks! 

My First "White Christmas!"

Our first annual Birthday Party for Jesus! Scott and I wanted to make a tradition for our family to celebrate Jesus big time. We thought it would be fun to have a birthday party for Him every year; complete with cake, balloons and streamers. This year we had help from Karen and Andy. We all made at least one snow flake and sang Happy Birthday to The King! It was so much fun, and we're even more excited to get to share it with Jonas next year!

After we spent Christmas in Oklahoma, we drove down to Austin the next day with snow all around us.

We were so excited to get to Austin to see The Robertsons and get to spend a few days with them! My favorite part of Austin was getting to spend time with all my brothers and sisters! It was such a blast to catch up and laugh together! I've missed them so much and was so thankful for the few short days we got together! We spent the next few days reclining on the living room couch, watching lots of football, eating tons of great food, and shopping! We also introduced the "Awkward Family Photos" game to them, which quickly became a household favorite. 

Eating out with the family

22 Weeks! 

Bebe and Jonas!

He's just so handsome! 

Scott playing with his new Christmas present from his sister-in-laws: a remote control helicopter!